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If you are like me, having a productive week is super important. I no longer want to live the “I hate Mondays” and “I can’t wait for this week to end” kind of life.
It’s tiring and frustrating, to be honest, and complaining about it doesn’t make the week any shorter.I realized the reason we’re always whining about the long week is that we don’t take the time to plan for it realistically.
A week planned in advance will be a super productive week. At the end of it, you’ll think, “That week was fast!” You will barely believe it.
So, it’s time for you to adjust your mindset. Plan your week in advance to set yourself up for a super-productive week.
I assure you, this will be simpler if you are a “doer” and not just a “read and take no action” type of person then this post for you.
Things to do on a Sunday for a super productive week.
Sunday is the best day to plan for your week. They say “A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.”
So, if you want to have a super-productive and less-overwhelming week, check out my recommended activities below to get you there.
#1 Fill in your weekly planner
A weekly planner is simply a book that allows you to plan and keep track of your responsibilities and schedule your time and goals appropriately.
Planning your week is one of the most important things you can do to have a productive week and can make difficult tasks easier throughout the week.
Things to add to your planner:
- Using a distinctive highlighter like this one, cross out all the things you achieved last week.
- Next, write a to-do list for the next five 5 days. These are specific tasks you intend to complete during the week.
- Determine what your key goals for the week will be. What do you intend to achieve this week?
Recommended reading.
By writing down everything that needs to get done in the week, you will have a better picture of what needs to be accomplished and set your priorities accordingly.
Remember, a weekly planner is only useful if you follow it. Make sure that you put it somewhere where you can easily, and frequently, refer to it; in your handbag, for instance.
Resources to get you started on planning your week for maximum productivity:
- A planner- there so many different planners out there, which is a bit confusing. So if you are looking to get a planner to check out this one specific.
- A pen you can get a pen here on Amazon if you need one. By the way always have more than one pen at home you know how these pens are, easily misplaced.
- A highlighter-Click here to get one on Amazon
Organizing your week on Sunday will give you an overview of how to manage tasks and will reduce the risk of stress later in the week.
#2 Set out your weekly outfits
We all have those moments of stress in the morning when we’ve spent too long deciding what to wear. We get overwhelmed by the options. This is known as the “paradox of choice.”
It’s obvious we all like to look our best when we leave the house, so it’s no surprise that we choose what to wear carefully. However, the amount of time wasted is too much, results in us being late, having to rush, and at times even missing breakfast.
You can relate, right? What if I told you there is secret way out of this morning hustle?
The secret is simple: plan your outfits in advance. Planning your outfits in advance will save you tons of time compared to the time wasted when we wait until the morning to choose what to wear.
Getting ready in the morning will become easier, quicker, and more efficient.
Recommended reading
Take Action
- Every Sunday, plan your outfit for each of the 5 days of the week; Monday to Friday.
- To make things extra simple, you could even get a hanger separator like this one to quicken the process
If repeatedly done, this simple action will lead you to a super-productive week.
#3. create Some’ Think Time’
As you prepare for the next week, you may need to create some thinking time for reflection and visualization.
Reflection–Create some reflective think time where you sit in a quiet environment to review your achievements, take note of everything you’ve postponed, and learn from any mistakes you’ve made.
Think about the past week. What did you do wrong? Figure out which activities to continue with next week and which ones to let go.
Visualization –How can you be better in the coming week ahead? What changes can you make? These two activities will result in you being better prepared for a super-productive week ahead.
#4. Create A Shopping & Meal Plan.
Grocery shopping and meal planning go hand in hand. Meal planning is when you decide meals you intend to eat during the next 7 days, then written on a list.
The next step is going grocery shopping for all the items to make the meals for the next week. You see what I mean?
So, one way of planning for a productive week is with advance meal planning then grabbing the ingredients required for that week’s meals.
But just in case you are like me, and you feel like the whole process of meal planning, grocery shopping, and the time and effort it takes in deciding what to eat every day is just too overwhelming.
There is a way to simplify this.
This is what I did to save my sanity. I tried out different meal planning solutions.
There are services that solve all these issues by delivering recipes along with the ingredients you will need to use for those meals. So, all that is required is to get the food from the fridge and “Bang!” food in the oven.
Most of these meals take between 15 – 45 minutes since most ingredients are fresh or precooked, and you are covered the whole week.
This is what I do personally, and it’s just incredible. I save so much time, I eat fresh, healthy foods, and for an affordable price as well.
So, if you suck at meal planning, listed below are some of the companies I used and would recommend. I suggest you click through each of them see what fits you best.
Try a two of them out, and see what works for you. And best of all, I have requested a bonus for you, as my reader! For a limited time though.
Meal Services I recommend
- HelloFresh–
- $5 Meal Plan– Get 14 days free trial see if it meets your demands.later on pay $5 weekly and receive a meal plan of exactly what to cook and buy the groceries.
I think advance meal planning is one of the best favors you can do for yourself to ensure a smooth and productive week.
So, take action and plan your meals in advance or choose one of the services I have recommended and see how it goes.
#5. Unwind
Take the time to refresh and replenish. And yes, you should be doing it often. Take your mind off the stress, do whatever it is that relaxes you and makes you feel good. Go for it!
Some call it self-care, others call it downtime. Whichever name you feel like calling it, I’m with you. But you’ve gotta go for it.
Listen, like most people; it took me way too long to learn that self-care is vital for your wellness. It allows you to open yourself up to some many things you need in this world.
Gwyneth Paltrow swears by an Epsom Salt bath every evening.
Read below to see what I do on Sunday’s During my Downtime
- Run a bath with Epsom salt bath then get my waterproof bath pillow like this one to rest my head when relaxing bring all my other stuff in that I use in the bath then chill and relax.
- Among them is this submersible waterproof faux candles instead of real tea candles due to fire risk which by the way you should think about.
- I also do some Kegel exercises. Every woman needs this. Like, if you haven’t started doing some Kegel exercise, then you better look into it! And in case you need a hint, here are some of the products I use. Check them out.
My key point here is to relax. Take a break and do something you enjoy that will relax you.
You have a lot more control of how you feel on Sundays than you think, and simply adding a few self-care habits can do wonders for your mind and body. Create a healthy mind and body you need for a smooth week.
To Wrap It Up
Well, if you have read all the way through, I’m sure you have picked up a point or two that you can incorporate into your Sundays. And if you have quickly skipped to the end, here is a wrap-up.
To ensure you have a super productive week, you have to commit to preparing for one by planning for it in advance. Moreover, the best day to do this is on a Sunday.
Some of the key activities I have mentioned are:
- Filling in your weekly planner,
- Setting out your weekday outfits,
- Creating think time,
- Grocery and meal planning,
- And lastly, having some down.
So, whichever suits your lifestyle, go for it. Rock your Sunday and set yourself up for a super-productive week!
What do you usually do on Sunday please comment below?
Related posts;
10 productive things to do on Saturdays.
10 daily habits that will change your life.
20 self-care ideas every woman
15 things you can do when alone
10 quick, & practical ways to simplify your life.
6 specific habits that will make you consistently a happier person
nIKI says
Frida says
@Hi Nicki, I’m glad it made an impact in your weekend settings..
Debbie says
I’m very sad to see that none of your Things to Do on Sunday include attending church and making this day a day of Rest.
Marline says
Well most of us going to church can benefit from what is said in this blog. Is a question of adapting it to our lifestyle.
I, for example, decided that I take no activities on Sunday after church. on evening time is my time with God to plan and command my week. Every day I want it to be my day of rest because the God of Order Jesus Christ resides in me and everyday in everything I do. Shalom!
Suzie says
Some good ideas here! I usually spend my Sunday planning out my week. I also normally batch cook a couple of meals so I can eat them over the next few evenings 🙂
Kirsten says
I really enjoyed this post! I never thought to plan what I wear!
Thanks so much!
Kristen M says
I’m relieved to see I’m down 4 out of 5 of these already! Picking out clothes for the entire business week in one go definitely cuts down on a lot of waffling mid-week.
Luis Ch says
Great post, great way to start a week as well
thoughts above says
thank you glad you enjoyed it.
Erin says
That’s genius! I really love the idea of getting everything in order before the week begins. I think that’s really important especially if you have a really busy schedule during the week. It makes life easier for sure!
thoughts above says
yes plan in action and in advance really works magic for sure.
Jenny Smith says
I am really terrible at setting goals or even tasks for the week and it is something I am really trying to get better at to make my week more organized and productive. I am definitely going to set some time aside this Sunday to focus on it
Agnes says
Tidying the house and setting goals really helps me alot… But its good I now can incorporate more things
Halima Nassir says
Great tips. I now know how to power my Sundays. Additional tip: Try making love on a Sunday Morning. It works wonders
Ruth says
I like to meal plan on a Sunday morning and go food shopping accordingly in the afternoon.
Yandra| She Blogs About Jobs says
I love to plan and set goals. Doing this definitely helps me have a more productive week. I have tried meal prepping to try and save some time but I stopped after a few weeks. Do you have any tips on how to stay consistent with meal prepping?
kirsty-rose says
Last week I tried planning my outfits for the week and then the weather made a drastic turn so I’m going to try again this week! I also try and plan my meals for work the night before at least!
jehava says
These are really awesome tips!! I do meal plan which saves so much stress throughout the week but, picking out clothes is also a big time saver that I need to start doing!
My Cool Toy Vids says
Great ideas! Setting goals on a Sunday evening is definitely helpful to get the week started off right.
Jaye Shields says
Since I’m a flight attendant and my schedule is always changing, Sunday isn’t necessarily a prep day for me, but I can definitely identify with these ideas to be prepared for whatever you’re about to do. I def pack my suitcase at least the night before my trip 😉
Sarah Prince says
I try to do all of these things on Sunday, except for clean and tidy the house. For me, Sunday is a day of rest, so I try to do the least amount of additional housework necessary. So I take care of a lot of things on Saturday.
Jelena says
This sounds very smart and useful, even though I never thought of making my Sunday useful 😀 Thanks for the advice!
Dee says
great post – i really have to get better at meal planning, sharing this on facebook!!!
Dawn Rambles says
I’m working on my productivity. I think laying out my clothes and setting goals for the new week will help a lot. Great ideas and thanks for sharing.
Annissa says
These are great ideas! I can see how they could make the whole week go smoother! Thanks for sharing! Stumbling so others can see it.
Michelle Adams says
Great advice! I’ll definitely be doing this this Sunday!
candy says
I actually do these things on saturday. Sunday starts our new week.
Stacy says
These are nice things to distract form the Sunday Scarries!
Jas says
Totally agree, when I meal plan, my week goes so smooth. Its easy to get caught up in #sundayfunday and then you feel rushed and stressed during the week – great points!
Cristina says
I think that for a month now I keep saying that I’ll create a meal planner to ease our lives, but apparently I’m not so good at that.
CJ from says
I am such a stickler for no3. I usually go with planning 6-7 outfits because some mornings you just feel off and want options. This is a solid and concise list that truly can boost your mood. I am one of those people that actually like Monday’s, but that’s because I was well prepared on Sunday.
Shannon says
Ahhhh, I love goals! Laying out your clothes from mon to fri is something I’d love to do, but I don’t know if I actually would…however I do whip out my planner, plan out my week, write down everything from friend dates to appts, bills to pay, etc. It helps a lot! But make sure to meditate after so it doesn’t stress you out more ; )
Brittany says
Meal planning on Sunday saves me so much time during the week, AND money because instead of stopping somewhere because I forgot my lunch, I just grab what I prepped on Sunday and leave. It’s always way healthier than anywhere else I would eat, too.
Ruxandra says
I usually use the weekend to make content for my blog. Wish i could plan my outfits too, but weather is so unpredictable sometimes
Ref J says
I agree that planning your week on Sunday helps increase weekly productivity. I also love that you included cleaning the house and going to bed early. Both are great tips for a healthy lifestyle and at least for me reduce some stress in my life.
Vaishnavi says
Wow. Cool tips. Thanks!! It’s indeed a perfect day to put things in place and organise the week ahead. A control freak that I am, planning the week on sundays, sets the tone for an exciting week and a feeling on being in-charge. says
I can clearly see, how these tips can boost your productivity during a week. I have one complaint, though… Cleaning on Sunday?? No, no, no, I’ll do it on Saturday, and relax on Sunday. 😀
Catrina says
Great tips. I always attempt a few of these, but my toddler and newborn often have other plans 🙂
Amber says
These are so perfect! I’m always setting weekly goals (and longer term goals as well), but I never would have thought to pick my clothes for the whole week – great idea. Thanks for sharing. Pinning this 🙂
thoughts above says
Thank you Amber for reading, am glad you set goals its very important.
hmm yes i realized this trick of picking clothes to wear whole week after realised how much time i used to waste. I`m glad you enjoyed it
Taylor Mobley says
I love setting goals on Sunday!
thoughts above says
Thank you Taylor for reading.
its the best thing to do setting goals on a Sunday so on a Monday morning you will know where to start.